Gas Prices Got You Down? Don't Get Mad ... Get Ethanol! 
Businesses and Consumers Discover That Virtually All Fuel-Injected Cars Can Run on E-50 Without Conversion. IIEA Member Postings Identify Which Unmodified Cars Can Run Even Higher Blends as People Switch from Gas to Ethanol SANTA CRUZ, Calif., July 15SANTA CRUZ, Calif. ,July 15 /PRNewswire/ -- The International Institute
for Ecological Agriculture, (IIEA) announced today that it is receiving
continual reports from business and consumer members across the country that
are successfully converting from gas to Ethanol (and various blends such as
E85) as a preferred alternative to paying unprecedented gas prices and for
combating climate change concerns.
According toDavid Arkin , AIA, of Arkin Tilt Architects, a LEED accredited
architect inAlbany, CA , "Ethanol can be part of one's path to a carbon
neutral lifestyle. It costs less than gasoline, is readily available, and --
when grown and produced properly -- can help combat climate change through
both its clean emissions and the potential to sequester carbon. Here inNorthern California we run on locally produced ethanol distilled from waste
products, through our membership in the Green Energy Network (GEN)."
Recently David and his wife and partnerAnni Tilt converted their 2000
Audi A4 1.8 Turbo Wagon to run on Ethanol, (the basic process cost$400.00 for
parts and labor, though they opted to add a KoldBan ether start kit for an
additional$800 in order to start and run on E98). Opting to drive instead of
fly toWisconsin for David's parents' anniversary, the 5 travelers (plus dog
and rooftop cargo box) made the trip running on a blend of Ethanol and gas.
"We chose to blend gasoline with the Ethanol to maintain the best mileage
performance. Reviewing the trip we noted our average mileage was in the high
20s, with an average cost of around$3.75 per gallon of fuel (we did find E85
for as low as$2.85 a gallon along the way). Once east of the Rockies we had
no trouble locating stations selling Ethanol. Had Permaculture-based Ethanol
been available we'd have done the whole trip on E85 or E98."
LikeDavid Arkin ,Michael A. Shapiro , (Owner/Operator of Ecab a Blue Cab
Assoc member inChicago, IL. ) became very concerned about the impact gas was
having on the environment as well as his business operating costs. "Every time
my cars go to the pump I'm losing money," Mr. Shapiro stated. "ThoughDavid tells us that any car can be converted to run E50 or E85 for
Blume$50-$400 , I
decided to experiment with hybrid fuel blends rather than trade in my fleet of
cabs for new cars or undergo a costly modification. To my great delight (and
asDavid Blume had stated) I found that I could run my cars on E50 and then
after a short time increase it to E85 (providing better mileage, burning
cleaner and costing me far less per gallon than gasoline) with no conversion
required at all."
Along with thousands of other converts to clean renewable fuels, Michael
and David have attendedDavid Blume's Ethanol Conversion and Production talks
and have bought copies of the renewable energy expert and author's new book
Alcohol Can Be A Gas (ACBAG) ( as a resource
and guide for their energy transformation.
Consumers and Businesses Switch to Ethanol
"David provides fantastic guidance and his insights and information make
such a compelling case for Ethanol, I was willing to test it," Mr. Shapiro
continued. "I moved my fleet to E85 and for a while I was able to run my cabs
on$2.99 - $3.49 E-85 while gas was running$4.25 . Fuel prices keep changing,
but I estimate I will be saving my company around$3,600.00 a year, per cab
running Ethanol and the whole time I will be reducing my fleet's carbon
footprint, which is one of my main goals."
During a recent test Mr. Shapiro documented that moving several of his
cars back to gas caused the cars to run hotter, get worse mileage and the auto
engine warning lights came on. "As soon as I blended Ethanol back into the
mix, the engines cooled, quieted and the lights went off. David told me that
in many cars newer than 2000 there is intelligence in the engine to discern
fuel type and to adjust burn-throughput automatically. He is right. I haven't
needed any mechanical assistance to run blended fuels or to optimize
performance," he concluded.
Mr. Arkin added, "David Blume's book is an incredible source of
experience, information and inspiration. As one who designs alternative
buildings, I have a healthy skepticism and a need to thoroughly research
things before trying them. ACBAG is one of the most comprehensive resources
I've found for complete and accurate information. From the outset I accepted
that I was using my car as a guinea pig of sorts, and was responsible for any
consequences. David, his book, and (Blume's student)Damon Knutson of GEN all
helped make my conversion possible, and I couldn't have done this without
"If everyone used 30% ethanol in their unmodified cars we would be able to
cease buying any oil from theMiddle East , ending our dependence, our crushing
military expenditures there, and our National Guard could be brought home fromIraq ," saidDavid Blume . "Converting completely to US made ethanol would make
our economy literally bombproof to the explosive price increases we can expect
oil to sustain as it runs out. The icing on this cake is that alcohol can be
produced for less than$1.50 a gallon by small scale entrepreneurs or even
individuals from a wide variety of crops or waste products we describe in our
book. I am showing groups and organizations all over the world that making
alcohol is simple, cost effective and good for the environment. As a result
every day contractors, farmers, consumers, entrepreneurs, fleet owners, and
even governments are calling and writing to tell us about their successes
converting from fossil fuels."
AboutDavid Blume :
Mr. Blume will be featured on a special 3 hour interview on Coast to Coast
Radio withGeorge Noory this Thursday 7/17 and will be speaking at the
following coming conferences and events:
EORenew/SolWest Fair -July 25 , 26, 27 -Canyon City, OR
SolFest -August 16 - 17 -Hopland, CA
* The University ofGuadalajara, Mexico -August 23rd conference plenary
Renewable Energy RoundupSept 13 - 14 Carson City, NV.
MidAtlantic Renewable Energy Association Conference -September -
19-21Kutztown, PA
For more information contact:Tom Harvey - theCommunications - (530) 257-3533
Original Source :,467959.shtml
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