Reports of Swine Flu at Disney in Orlando Florida are not confirmed, says reports. Swine Flu in Orlando Florida reports swirled out of control shortly pass 2 PM EST Tuesday.
To recap, Dr. Loran Hauck, Chief Medical Officer at Florida Hospital had first said in an email:
“a case was diagnosed here in Orlando today on a tourist from Mexico who came to Disney attractions two days ago to visit.”
But that was reportedly followed up by a quick press conference today to correct that email by saying - no - there are no confirmed cases of swine flu in Orlando
“In this case, if it was implied that it was swine flu, that was a misstatement. We have not had any confirmations from the CDC. We’ve had two or three cases of positive influenza. We should know about these in 48 hours.”
Again, Florida state officials say there is no confirmation, emphasis confirmation, as they are awaiting testing.
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