Amazon Mechanical Turk is yet another way of aggregating service providers and buyers in one place ‘online’ where you can make money depending on your area of expertise.
Business week mentions "people can offer payment for businesses and services that require a human element rather than computing power".
Amazon Mechanical Turk calls these assignments Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs). A lot (actually 86584) HITs are available as of now for people to work upon. So, what you have to do is fairly simple. Find a task that’s interesting for you. Some real examples are writing reviews, creating metadata information about a product etc. Just complete those tasks and earn money.
Some of the assignments are very interesting like the one about " Data Collection about famous people." Tasks like these require only your time and basic english and internet skills but can pay 20 cents per HIT. The review assignments can pay upto $5 per HIT.
Original Source : http://www.newspostonline.com/world-news/how-to-make-money-from-amazon-mechanical-turk-2009052356192
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